This is the video of the rocker front legs being turned on the lathe. Thanks to Phil Gautreau, resident turner at 3rd Ward, for filming and getting me set up on the lathe after a seven-year hiatus.

This is the video of the rocker front legs being turned on the lathe. Thanks to Phil Gautreau, resident turner at 3rd Ward, for filming and getting me set up on the lathe after a seven-year hiatus.
This rocker gallery update follows the process of putting the legs on the lathe to turn them. The legs are tapered from the joinery area to where they will eventually attach to the rocker and arm rest. This was the first time I have been on a lathe in about seven years. I forgot how much fun it is and what a relaxing experience it can be. A video update will be posted above.
This video was shot during the SAW table top build and shows the circle plunge router jig in action. The jig itself is made of 1/4″ thick acrylic and fit specifically for the Milwaukee plunge router seen here. The jig works by measuring the radius of the circle from the inside edge of the bit you are using and drilling a hole to send a screw into the bottom of your circle. Then you are able to plunge into the wood and work around the circle. This works best if you have already drawn out your diameter in pencil and band saw close to that line so you only have to remove about 1/8″ or less of material.
This gallery contains images of the build process of four table tops for SAW. SAW combines predominately metal base structure with wooden tops and drawers. SAW is also run out 3rd Ward‘s space, specifically the metal shop. This build called for a router jig to be made in order to create the perfect diameter cut for the circular table top. Video of that jig in action will be posted shortly.
Proprietor Matthew Mullen was recently accepted to The Furniture Project 2013 WoodExpo to be held at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. The Expo will run from Thursday February 21 until Sunday February 24. The creative or interpretive category this year is entitled “Cabinet-on-Stand”. The walnut Chest-on-Stand is being entered in this category. The maple side table and cherry chair will also be on display in the open category. Matthew will also be doing hour-long demonstrations each day of the show. Check back to the blog for more updates as they unfold and also visit The Furniture Project for more information and to view past expos.
Being able to have templates made already ensures that when it comes time to cut into your material, you don’t have to be wasteful. This was a particular point of interest for me dealing with 8/4 cherry. The back leg template enabled me to have proper grain layout throughout the piece and made it able to nest two legs very close together to conserve this expensive material. I was then able to band saw rough chunks out, run them over the jointer and thru the planer and then bandsaw close to be able to flush trim on the router table.
This album focuses on the construction of the front two legs of the rocking chair. As you can see there are many tools involved. My favorite part of this process was being able to break in my new tools I purchased from the Lie-Nielsen tool event that occurred at 3rd Ward. The spoke shave and router plane made it easy to create the tight joints at the leg to seat connection. The legs are not finished yet, they still need to be turned on the lathe for final shaping.
James Devlin recently finished wrapping his metal night stands in the twine you see below. My shelves are then placed in their appropriate spots and held by friction. You can contact me or him directly through his website, linked above, about having your own set or something similar made.
These nightstand shelves were commissioned by fellow 3rd Ward maker and metal worker James Devlin. They are walnut slabs, 3/4″ thick and notched in the corners to fit around the twine that the stands will be wrapped in. The gallery below follow the build of the shelves and how they fit on the unfinished stands. The last few pictures show the finish, a rich medium walnut danish oil. I will post completed pictures when James has finished the project.
Founder, designer and cabinetmaker Matthew Mullen will be giving a Wind Up talk at 3rd Ward in Bushwick on January 31 beginning at 730 pm. He, along with maker David Murphy will speak about running their own companies and how they utilize 3rd Ward’s space to do so. For full details, head here to 3rd Ward’s site.